The what?
This is the part of Lily's List where you are not getting a "hand out" but rather a "hand up." This is where you go to the Fundraising Toolbox on the website and you download the generic letter to send out to businesses. I really like this letter and sent it out to about 38 people. That was only two weeks ago and have not heard back.....yet. I am hopeful however.
My mother who has been a business owner "of sorts" for the last 15-20 years of her life read the letter and made some suggestions, so I re-vamped mine. Not to discredit the Lily's List letter but I wanted to make it "my own" I guess. Here is what it looks like:
Lily’s List Business/Student Partnerships 2012-13
Student Loan Gift Network “Paying off student loans, one gift at a time.”
Dear business owner:
I am sending you this letter to introduce you to a new national advertisement opportunity, which is paired with a unique donation plan that will benefit our nation’s students struggling with student loans and help our struggling economy right itself in this crucial timeof unemployment.
You may already be aware of the burgeoning student debt as more young people enter the workforce with a reduced opportunity of employment and the burden of debt put upon them and society as the student default rate continues to rise. Lily’s List is a unique opportunity to secure affordable advertisement on a national web site and also benefit individual enterprising students interested in clearing their individual debt.
If I have piqued your interest, the following website may be accessed in order to convince you of the authenticity of the program and the innovative ideas connected with Lily’sList:
Why advertise with Lily’s List?
National advertisement rates are very low.
· Your advertisement will be seen nationally and will also help a current or former student pay down his/her student loans by donating a portion of the advertisement fee directly to their loan.
· Your ad will be seen on the Business/Student Partnership page which links directly from thehome page.
· A- rating from the Better Business Bureau
It is our intent to start a website that will grow exponentially as fast as sites such as Angie’s List and Craig’s List. This would be an example of the actual advertisement:
72 dpi. approx 250 x 160 pixels (business card size) (Here is the original pic from the Lily's List website)
You might be questioning yourself as to how this program helps individual current or former students pay down their individual loans and my involvement with Lily’s List.
My name is Ellie J. Norris, I’m a member of Lily’s List and I’m fundraising to help myself pay down my student loan debt. For every ad I place, Lily’s List will deposit at least 50% of the ad fee into my student loan account. So for example, if you place an ad for $40, Lily’s List will donate $20 directly into mystudent loan account!
If you do not wish to advertise you may also donate to me or other students.
Member Name: Ellie Syvrud-Norris (ID# 1188)
Individual Fundraising Goal: $66,000
Phone: ___________________________________Email:_________________________________________________
Emailyour artwork as a jpeg, tif, or pdf.
Webaddress you want your Business AD linked to: http://www._____________________________________________
Check desired months:
2012 __Sept _Oct _Nov _Dec
2013 _Jan_Feb _Mar _Apr _May _June _July _Aug _Sept _Oct _Nov _Dec
Total number of months __ x $40 = $____ + (if using Paypal add a transaction fee of$2.00) =$_______Total Due
FinalNote: If you are unable to help financially, pleasehelp me spread the word about Lily’s List! Thank you for your time!
If you would like to reply to this message: Please write to ......(my personal address)
I sent out roughly 150 of these letters to businesses around the Dallas area! Dallas is known for many things, mostly the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, etc, however what you may not know about Dallas is that it is one of the TOP CITIES for philanthropy in the nation! So I'm hoping I will get at least a couple of good replies. I know that it will probably take more letters to send out but it doesn't cost much to print and send them out....but it DOES however cost much more to pay down my student loans myself!
Recently I watched the Lorax with my two girls and I just love the quote "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better, it's not." This quote is not just true for our global situation with pollution etc, but also for our economy! If we don't care about this or can't find a passion for it, we are in big trouble!
Saw this sign on speaks to why I'm on this journey! |
No matter who you are it's important to have a dream for your future and something to HOPE for! My dream is to be free from debt completely! I don't care to have a bunch of material things or be wealthy. The bible says that when we are in debt, we are a slave to the lender. I feel like that much of the time...mostly on payday....I get SUPER excited to get my paycheck and think of everything I COULD be doing with it but then REALITY sets in and guess what...a majority of my paycheck is going AWAY! That's what debt does to's a burden. I believe that greater things are yet to come!

To those of you reading this blog, let me first say "Thank You," and also feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. I hope that Lily's List will be a tool for you to help you get rid of your debt. I also hope that my version of the Student/Business Partnership letter will help you. It's not something you HAVE to use but you can if you feel it will help you. Don't forget that in the Fundraising Toolbox on the Lily's List page there is also another version of the letter if you like that one better.
Well.....what's next?
Next on my agenda of advertising Lily's List is to get some cool decals placed on the back of my car window. Every morning and every night I drive roads that are SUPER busy and seem to always be filled with don't think perhaps someone just driving down the road would like to know about Lily's List do you? I also am currently doing contract work for one of the biggest hospitals in Dallas as well and there is heavy foot traffic there. So my hope is that people will see the decals in my back window or on the side of my car and check out Lily's List....I will post a picture of it as soon as it's done! I'm super excited!
You may be asking yourself....why not just use the money you would spend on those decals and put them toward your student loans....well good question! The answer however is that I am using my tithe money to pay for I said....this blog...this journey is not just about's about getting the word out about these four AWESOME women who came up with the idea and put it into motion! Hey that reminds me to tell you to check out the "About Us" section at the website! I found out that one of the original founders is also an Occupational Therapist!!! Whoop! Whoop! LOL!
Truly this website is the only one of it's kind! America needs this! Students with student loan debt need this....the problem is that not a lot of people really KNOW about it's too new....So I'm adding to the "cause."
In the meantime......
I'm planning the next college I will visit to post flyers! The one closest to my house is Collin County Community College spanning from McKinney to Plano, Tx! They have several buildings so I've got to ramp up my supplies and then "hit em hard!" :-)
I'm also putting together an email to those same colleges Financial Aid offices and directors of Student Affairs. I'm pretty sure they could benefit from knowing about what Lily's List has to offer! I'll actually be working on that tonight! Hopefully before my two wonderful, crazy, sweet rugrats get home from their day! Wish me luck and I will keep you all posted!
Final Thought......
If you know of someone who could benefit from something like Lily's List....spread the word! Share it on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Yahoo....whatever! You get my point! Even if you are blessed enough not to have student loans, share with people who may have doesn't hurt to ask! Right now there are a ton of student nurses training at my job and I ask each one if they have a lot of student loans now that they are finishing's not offensive it's a conversation starter! So go brave...go for it!
I got this from Pat Smith "Treasure You" Facebook page. Loved it so much had to re-post it! Thanks Pat! |